Saturday, September 6, 2008

32 weeks!

Whew! I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute! 32 weeks is a big milestone, at least according to Dr. Smith...if the babies were born now, they would have to spend some time in the NICU but would definitely be okay! We're hoping to make it 4 more weeks to 36 and get nice, chubby 6 pound babies! All the appointments this week went well--Baby B's varix hasn't grown and there is no sign of a clot, so that is good news. No signs of pre-term labor, and that's great news! Both babies are transverse (laying sideways), for the second week in a's looking more and more like it will have to be a C-section. As long as they're healthy, we don't care!

Here you can see some progress--two car seats and less baby stuff in the living room! Yay!


Julianne said...

You look great!!!

Tales of Browns, young and old... said...

Happy 32 weeks! Yay for happy, healthy babies!!!

The Momma Chronicles said...

I loved watching baby hiccups yesterday. Can't wait to meet the babies!

Russ and Becca said...

longrMy Grandma carried twins full term. All the way to 40 weeks. Maybe you will be so lucky, for the sake and health of those babies. Back then though, my grandma didn't even know she was having twins until 10 days before her due date and the doctor ordered an X-RAY! They had to rush out and get another crib and everything else you need for twins. I am excited to find out thier names!